International students spent a stupendous time on Saturday, September 28 for Clemson Football Game trip. The weather was pleasant and it was a perfect day for Saturday outing. Can you see how happy we are in the group picture on the left? Our journey has begun with tailgating with lunch boxes and enjoying beautiful scenery by the lake.
We enjoyed sandwich lunch boxes with fruits, pasta salads and big chunky cookies for brunch around 10:30 a.m. Everyone looked so happy with their food at the picnic tables and chatting with friends. Then, we took lots of pictures with the beautiful lake view and enjoyed sunshine lying on the deck. What a peaceful and joyful day it was!
As our picnic site was about 1 mild away from the football stadium on campus, we took a free shuttle bus to get to Clemson campus. You know what, right after we got off the bus, a lady approached us and said there were free BBQ lunch going on and told us to enjoy them. Wow, can you see the line of our international students? They've just had lunch boxes an hour ago, but they ate second lunch again! Everyone enjoyed their second lunch and looked absolutely satisfied with full stomach and recharged their energy to enjoy the actual football game. By the way, the free meals at the tailgating booth were provided by the Parents Council, and they told us they only provided one meal during the football season and it was today. We were so lucky!
Can you imagine how many people showed up at the football game on Saturday? The stadium was almost full which could accommodate 83,000 people and there were countless number of tailgating booths everywhere on campus. And, it was also a Homecoming Day at Clemson so it gave us an astonishing atmosphere with many people, Homecoming displays, tailgating booths, cars and more. It was good enough for us to learn American culture during weekends. Thanks to Football 101 class kindly offered by Dr. Albert Dukes prior to the trip, we could been able to understand basic rules about the football and enjoy it to the fullest. I had to leave the game after the third quarter due to the highly expected traffic jam after the game. However, we all enjoyed the trip to the football game and came home safely afterwards.