Group picture with University President
Weekly Meeting #5 China Day Part I

Ms. Ivy Zhang, Visiting Scholar from Shanghai Normal University made an informational presentation about general facts about China and simple Chinese expressions. Thanks, Ivy!
Then, our team invited Lander students who visited Korea last year. Nichole Richmond spent one semester at University of Incheon in the fall semester 2011. Corbin Childs and Rachel Piper visited University of Incheon for a week for Korean summer session. They spoke about their experience in Korea, and eased our members' butterflies who are travelling to Asia for the first time. Thanks for your help!
As a finale of the orientation, we ate Chinese food at TM Dynasty with Dr. and Mrs. Park. They gave us good lessons prior to our grand journey: We're all a family and a team. We have to embrace ourselves all the time! When we meet in the morning, smile to each other and hug each other.
Then, our team invited Lander students who visited Korea last year. Nichole Richmond spent one semester at University of Incheon in the fall semester 2011. Corbin Childs and Rachel Piper visited University of Incheon for a week for Korean summer session. They spoke about their experience in Korea, and eased our members' butterflies who are travelling to Asia for the first time. Thanks for your help!
As a finale of the orientation, we ate Chinese food at TM Dynasty with Dr. and Mrs. Park. They gave us good lessons prior to our grand journey: We're all a family and a team. We have to embrace ourselves all the time! When we meet in the morning, smile to each other and hug each other.
Weekly Meeting #4 Team presentations on Korea

Student members made a presentation about Korea. Jessica- Education in Korea.
Joshua- Korean History
Ashlin- Korean culture/people
Rachael- Economy
Weekly Meeting #3 Korea Day part I & Hot Dog Social

March 25, Sundady @5-7pm at Dr. Vartanian's home
What we covered: Icebreaker- Who's Who?
Each member of the group fills out an anonymous sheet paper with
1) One thing you are looking forward to
2) One thing you fear/ are apprehensive about
3) the one ITEM you cannot live without/ your 'survivor' item
Boyoung was the moderator and the rest 9 members participated in the activity. Here are the answers of our group members.
Who's Who? Answers:
1) Looking forward to: Learning Asian History, food, eating all
kinds of food, learning new culture and seeing new places,
Asian candy, the Great Wall, the Culture, Great Wall of China,
being stuck speechless
2) Being apprehensive about: Long flight, People not understanding what I'm saying/ trapped in China/ Korea with no one that speaks English T_T, getting sick, not getting my passport back in time, inopportune stomach illness, trying lots of new food, the first flight, Home Stay, nothing
3) Not living without: Burt's Bees, my computer/ good book? (I usually read on my computer.), journal/sketchbook, my laptop, Chapstick, my laptop, Camera, journal, books
What we covered: Icebreaker- Who's Who?
Each member of the group fills out an anonymous sheet paper with
1) One thing you are looking forward to
2) One thing you fear/ are apprehensive about
3) the one ITEM you cannot live without/ your 'survivor' item
Boyoung was the moderator and the rest 9 members participated in the activity. Here are the answers of our group members.
Who's Who? Answers:
1) Looking forward to: Learning Asian History, food, eating all
kinds of food, learning new culture and seeing new places,
Asian candy, the Great Wall, the Culture, Great Wall of China,
being stuck speechless
2) Being apprehensive about: Long flight, People not understanding what I'm saying/ trapped in China/ Korea with no one that speaks English T_T, getting sick, not getting my passport back in time, inopportune stomach illness, trying lots of new food, the first flight, Home Stay, nothing
3) Not living without: Burt's Bees, my computer/ good book? (I usually read on my computer.), journal/sketchbook, my laptop, Chapstick, my laptop, Camera, journal, books
Weekly Meeting #2
March 18, 2012 @4pm LC 272 "General/Important Travel Information"
What we covered:
Departure- April 29, Sunday NO LATER THAN 6 am at PEES Circle at Lander University
Check-in and Carry-on bags: 1 check-in bag (max 50lb), 1 carry-on bag (max 20lb) +
handbag or laptop
Packing ideas
Souvenirs: 1 nice gift for host family and 5-6 for new friends
Optional vaccination shots, Travel tips, Warnings etc.
Ideas to think: Souvenirs for host families and new friends in Korea and China
Wish-to-do Activities: Buddhist Temple Stay in Korea, Artist visitation in Beijing
What we covered:
Departure- April 29, Sunday NO LATER THAN 6 am at PEES Circle at Lander University
Check-in and Carry-on bags: 1 check-in bag (max 50lb), 1 carry-on bag (max 20lb) +
handbag or laptop
Packing ideas
Souvenirs: 1 nice gift for host family and 5-6 for new friends
Optional vaccination shots, Travel tips, Warnings etc.
Ideas to think: Souvenirs for host families and new friends in Korea and China
Wish-to-do Activities: Buddhist Temple Stay in Korea, Artist visitation in Beijing
Legal Briefing

March 16, 2012 @2:30pm LC 272
Thailand English Camp leaders and Asia Summer
Study Program members attended the meeting.
What we covered:
- Legal briefing by Dr. Dewitt Stone
- Fill out SC-4 (for students), SC-15 (for alumni and accompaying persons), or SC-16 (for Faculty)
- Get notarized by Ms. Peggy Cromer
- Fill out Travel Insurance form
Thailand English Camp leaders and Asia Summer
Study Program members attended the meeting.
What we covered:
- Legal briefing by Dr. Dewitt Stone
- Fill out SC-4 (for students), SC-15 (for alumni and accompaying persons), or SC-16 (for Faculty)
- Get notarized by Ms. Peggy Cromer
- Fill out Travel Insurance form
Weekly Meeting #1March 11, 2012 @4pm Learning Center 117
What we covered: Chinese visa application CISI insurance form SA-4, 15, or 16 forms Weekly orientation schedule Tentative itinerary and flight schedule Lander Asia Summer Study Program members gathered for the first weekly meeting last Sunday. We began the meeting by introducing ourselves. The first important mission was to fill out the application for Chinese visa. As noticed, all the members brought their passport and two passport pictures to the meeting. No one missed either of them! We covered weekly orientation schedules. We only have six more meetings and then we will head toward Far East Asia. I am very happy to have our 9 members who're eager to learn more about other cultures and excited about this study trip to Korea and China. Cheers, Lander Bearcats!! |
First Group Meeting

February 20,2012 @4pm in Library Conference Room
I. Welcome – Dr. Lee Vartanian, Boyoung Roh,
Jeff Constant
II. Presentation on Previous Summer Study Program
to Korea and China– Dr. Sung-Jae Park
III. Introduce yourself – Name, major, how you
decide to join this trip
IV. Payment plan - Mr. Jeff Constant
V. Necessary documents up to now things to turn in-
passport, deposit, two passport-sized photos for
Chinese visa
Bring it over to the 2nd Meeting (March 11, Sun.)
VI. Departure date and return date, Chinese visa –
Ms. Boyoung Roh
VII. Code of Ethics – read and sign
VIII. Global Issues (Non-western) class (3 credit
hours)– Dr. Lee Vartanian
IX. Group picture
I. Welcome – Dr. Lee Vartanian, Boyoung Roh,
Jeff Constant
II. Presentation on Previous Summer Study Program
to Korea and China– Dr. Sung-Jae Park
III. Introduce yourself – Name, major, how you
decide to join this trip
IV. Payment plan - Mr. Jeff Constant
V. Necessary documents up to now things to turn in-
passport, deposit, two passport-sized photos for
Chinese visa
Bring it over to the 2nd Meeting (March 11, Sun.)
VI. Departure date and return date, Chinese visa –
Ms. Boyoung Roh
VII. Code of Ethics – read and sign
VIII. Global Issues (Non-western) class (3 credit
hours)– Dr. Lee Vartanian
IX. Group picture