Despite all threats from North Korea, 2013 Lander University Asia Summer Study group just returned home safely from Korea and China trip!! You will enjoy reading their blogs and pictures from 4 weeks of their exciting trip.
Building behind is North Korean Post constantly watching over this way through their windows…
Please visit following blogs for full reports of their visit from:
• International Office: http://international.lander.edu/asia-summer
• Emily Ashley - http://emilyashleyabroad.weebly.com/china.html
• Kiera Hodges - http://kierahodge.weebly.com/china-blog.html
• Melanie McCrea - http://melanieshatise.weebly.com/blog.html
"As a frequent global traveler, I didn’t initially expect my first Asia experience to substantially improve my knowledge of the world and its people. Just a few hours in China were enough to prove me wrong. Learning and experiencing the different aspects of the history and culture of both China and South Korea, as well as witnessing the signs of stunning economic growth in both countries, truly motivate me to return to Asia. The character of its people and their hospitality will certainly make me feel at home again next time. I am also forever indebted to the Office of International Programs for this unique opportunity". By Dr. Pedro Lopes, Professor in Spanish
“This has been a remarkable experience and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to experience first- hand what the Asian culture is all about. Walking among them, seeing what they see and doing what they do has impacted the way I look at them and I appreciate more about where they come from! The history of Korea and China is simply amazing and I have gained a great deal of respect for their respective cultures.” By Jeff Constant, 2013 Delegation member.” By Jeff Constant, Director, International Student & Scholar Services
I knew when I became an ambassador for my country and the Lander delegation that it would be a once in a life time experience, but never could I have imagined the way in which I perceive the world and my entire life would be changed forever. The reading material and other accommodating tools that were provided proved to be invaluable tools in preparation for the Asian tour. As I applied that knowledge and then asked several in depth questions to the indigenous populations of China and South Korea, presented an unimaginable experience that I could have never in a million years thought would be possible. I met several people along the way that I plan to not only keep in touch with, but keep as lifelong friends. I have received unsurpassed knowledge that could not have been achieved by a lecture, independent study, or seminar. I was given the opportunity to feel it, touch it, taste it, and see it first hand and in many cases first class! What can I say? I feel as if I have been given something that a price tag cannot be put on and that is global life experience! As we near the end of our journey, I would like to encourage other students to take advantage of such an experience and remember that opportunities such as this only come once in a life time, so seize the moment! I am grateful to Lander University, Dr. Park, and all participating staff for affording me this opportunity. Words cannot express my gratitude so I will simply say Thank you!.. by Kiera Hodge, B.S. Business Administration, Finance/Economics
.. This trip was truly one of the greatest adventures of my life so far. … I found great enjoyment learning about the culture of China and Korea as well as seeing the many key differences in our country and theirs. I learned two real truths about the cultures of these countries. ...China to Korea was like going from another world to an American copy. Korea is so westernized yet still remain a more collective and traditional society. … My experiences of both countries will have forever changed my views of the two countries whether for better or for worse.
Our Saturday, we were able to visit the Demilitarized Zone of North and South Korea. Not exactly the prime opportunity to visit, but we couldn't come all the way to Korea and not tour. Prior to going, I heard so much about the “intensity”, but in my opinion, it wasn’t that intense. It was crazy, however, to find out later that day that North Korea fired test missiles into the ocean. It is difficult to put into perspective that I am in Korea while such an situation is going on. It’s hard to put in perspective because no one (Koreans) makes it known that it is effecting them, that is if it really is at all. By Emily Ashley
If I tried to sum up this trip in one word, I couldn't! The experiences I have had and the people I have met have changed my life forever! Four weeks ago, I thought I wasn't even going to be able to on a plane, or be able to eat any of the Asian food but I did EVERYTHING and more! … Although, we think we are different, we are so much alike in more ways than one. I am very grateful and blessed to be able to have partaken in this wonderful Asia trip. I do hope more students will take the opportunity to set them apart from the rest! With this trip, I have become more open-minded, humble, and APPRECIATIVE of the things I have been blessed with as an America. .. So I thank you Dr. Park and Lander University for this amazing adventure. I hope one day, I can further my education at an international university in Asia. …By Melanie McCrea
This trip was built to give students from the USA insight and understanding into other cultures, geography and governments. In my opinion it has succeeded. It was an incredible experience to watch the students on this trip begins the process of growing and becoming global citizens. By Dr. Stan Vinson, Professor, College of Business
Thank you for letting me go on this wonderful experience and trip. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot. As you know editing a video blog is a time consuming process and because of this I have not completely edited all of my video blogs. Do to internet difficulties and program limitations, I was not able to post my video blog while I was here. I will post my edited and completed video blogs as soon as I get home and will continue to edit the remaining video blogs and post them as they are completed.
…By Gregory Herzog
I consider myself as a sophisticated world traveller, having traveled on four different continents during the past thirty-five or so years, but nothing prepared me for the wonder experiences I have had on this trip. Stepping back in time for over four thousand years of history, and experiencing, everyday, a new wonder has filled me with amazement and thanksgiving. To choose one, or even five experiences and say thait was the best would be totally impossible. Our host universities are incredible. The staff, the students, and everyone we meet are totally wonderful. I am so grateful to have this chace. My educatlon has reached a new level. …By Christine M. Dorsey