Lander International students and visiting scholars had an international supper at Mr. & Mrs. Mike and Kathy Emily's home. Kathy is one of our active Friendship Families at Lander University. They are Friendship parents of two Chinese students: Rokee and Li from China. Kathy hosted International Supper with other Friendship Families and their students. Again, she invited new friends at her cozy home with delicious international food and desserts. Luckily, two other Friendship Families, her friends and international students brought many different dishes: Lasagna, Chinese Dumplings, Korean Clear Noodle with Assorted Vegetables, Stuffed Rice Balls, Hungarian Chicken Paprikash and Korean Sweet Rice Cake. Last but not least, Kathy's homemade Brownies and Chocolate Crispies were awesome. Kathy always shows us true Southern Hospitality to friends from the globe and enables the community to be connected to the world by mingling international students and local families together. Friendship Families are the ones who beautify our international guests life in the US and they are the ones international students will remember forever after they go back to their country.
Written by Boyoung Roh, Coordinator for International Programs